Child Therapy

Reconnect with your child and live each moment with relaxed confidence and understanding.

You’re not sure of the best way to support your child. You need practical solutions that work in real life. You know something is wrong. You need an expert to help identify the truth. You’re frustrated with your child’s behavior, you’re exhausted, and you need answers. 

It feels like you’ve tried everything, but nothing works. You’ve asked friends, read books, sought guidance from teachers and your child’s school, but your child continues to struggle. You feel guilty and wonder if there is more you should do. 

I believe fun therapy is effective therapy.

Children develop new skills and process emotions through exploration and play. That’s why we use a combination of therapies. Play therapy helps encourage expression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps kids relate their thoughts to their actions. Mindfulness teaches kids how to calm themselves. 


  • Manage impulsive behavior related to ADHD
  • Convey their needs to peers and adults
  • Reduce sensory overload and emotional dysregulation
  • Respond to and express anger in a positive way
  • Know when to ask for help
  • Break tasks down into more manageable pieces
  • Read social cues and act accordingly
  • Manage anxiety and difficult emotions in age-appropriate ways

In therapy, your child will learn and grow. In playful ways that come most naturally to them. We’ll blend family therapy and parenting support with child therapy. So that you’ll feel empowered to help your child with confidence.


What types of therapy do you provide children?

  • Play Therapy
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Mindfulness Training
  • Online Therapy

When should a child see a therapist?

Children are different from adults in how they express their feelings. Children may express emotional distress through “bad behavior” or “acting out.” Certain behaviors may raise red flags. Your child may benefit from psychotherapy if they:

  • Bully others or someone is bullying them.
  • Have changes in eating or sleeping patterns. 
  • Avoid social situations or withdraw from friends and family.
  • Refuse to attend school or refuse to complete school assignments.
  • Have a sudden drop in grades. 
  • Use coping behaviors such as picking at skin or pulling out hair. 
  • Experience frequent nightmares or difficulty maintaining a sleep schedule. 
  • Express sudden fear of certain adults or situations. 
  • Make statements about wanting to die or wanting to harm themselves.
  • Have sudden changes in mood or behavior (e.g. an outgoing and social child now hides in their room).
  • Struggle to cope with major life changes (e.g. divorce, death).

If you’ve noticed any of the above behaviors in your child, I can help. Child therapy, family therapy, and parent support sessions can give them the support they need. 

Please contact me today for a consultation or to schedule an appointment.