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  • Family Therapy

    Reduce conflict. Feel more connected. Improve your family’s strengths. 

    Relationships are central to mental health. Healthy relationships give strength. They give support in times of stress. Yet, relationships can also cause great stress. 

    When family relationships cause stress, it feels like you can’t escape.

    You are literally living with the cause of your stress. Smaller things start to annoy you, and your fuse gets shorter. You find it hard to express love in the way you want. And you don’t look forward to family time. In fact, you sort of dread it. 

    It feels like a problem you should be able to handle on your own. And it feels awkward to ask for help from friends or other family. 

    All families endure stress. And no, you don’t have to deal with it alone. Family therapy can help you to enjoy each other again.


    • Talk instead of yell
    • Listen more than talk 
    • Solve problems as a team 
    • Let each other know when you’re hurt 
    • Apologize and come back together feeling closer
    • Know when you need a break and how to ask for one
    • Enjoy each other

    I believe therapy should be fun.

    Family therapy may look different than you think. In the office, we often play games and spend time on the floor. We laugh together. We celebrate when we solve a problem. 

    Yes, we’ll deal with difficult topics and work through pain. We don’t ignore something because it is hard to talk about… But we do help your family talk about things more easily. And come to a solution that you all can feel good about.


    Who is family counseling for? 

    Family counseling is part of all child therapy services we offer. For instance, if a child has ADHD, family counseling may help everyone to communicate. A parent learns how to get the child’s attention. A sibling learns how to read cues. And the child in therapy learns how to ask their family for help. 

    We’ll schedule sessions as needed during your child’s therapy. 

    I also offer family counseling for any client and as a service on its own. Family counseling can help make all types of relationships stronger:

    • Parent and child
    • Siblings
    • Couples
    • Co-parents
    • Other family members in the household

    What is the role of a family therapist? 

    A family therapist doesn’t tell you what to do. They help you identify the problems you’d like to solve. Then they help with how to solve those problems. Your therapist works with all family members as a team. She will take each person’s feelings and ideas into account. 

    Most importantly, they help you see strengths in one another. You will learn how to work together. How to inspire each other and expect the best from each other. 

    Please contact me today for a consultation or to schedule an appointment. I would love to help your family become stronger and more connected!